Those boots were made for walking. But you can’t head for the hills or cruise to the coast for a weekend with just boots. Get your rucksack ready and use this list as a handy guide on what to take with you.

Rule 1: Don’t take too much

A maximum of 10 items should take you o’er hill and down dale. Packing light is essential if you’re planning on carrying your items with you as you hike.

Rule 2: Layers all the way

You don’t want to be caught out by the weather, so use layers to ensure you keep warm, or cool, enough to enjoy your roam.

Likewise, ensure you have a waterproof cover for your phone, your map and your camera. If you get caught in a downpour you’ll be pleased you thought to protect these items. If you don’t have time to find them, or don’t want to pay for these items, a zip-lock food bag that’s large enough will work just fine.

  • Walking boots
  • A hat
  • Long-sleeved trousers
  • Long-sleeved top (one for each day)
  • Short-sleeved top (one for each day)
  • Walking socks (each day a pair, and add a spare)
  • Coat: rain and windproof is best
  • A rucksack
  • A water bottle
  • Hand sanitiser

Add undies and toiletries, sunscreen and a map holder, and you’re ready to ramble. Compasses are optional.

Top tips

Select boots that provide ankle support, saving you from strains and sprains walking on uneven ground. Take time to wear them in before you go so they are as comfortable as possible when you’re out walking.

Opt for waterproof, breathable fabrics for your clothes, and your blister protection.

Insect spray – while it’s not essential, it’s better to be prepared rather than be a walking buffet for mosquitos.

Carrying everything in a rucksack will keep your hands free and distribute weight evenly for the most comfortable walk.

Select travel-size products to reduce weight and maximise space.

For more walking advice take a look at: wonderful walks in the UK.

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