Travel brings with it the opportunity for adventure. And adventure can happen at a variety of paces.

Many are happy to take a break from the daily toil and use vacation time to relax and pursue hobbies they don’t get time to enjoy normally. Others are willing to try something new and reap their rewards that way.

Why not step outside your comfort zone for a holiday of personal growth that can last a lifetime?

Be spontaneous

Spontaneity and planning a holiday rarely go hand-in-hand, but it is possible to ring the changes while you travel nonetheless. Try travelling without an itinerary – a challenge if you like to plan – but keep plans fluid and don’t be afraid to say yes to opportunities as they present themselves.

There’s an African proverb that says: “If you want to go fast, go alone: but if you want to go far, go together”. Travelling solo can be tremendous a boost for low self confidence: not being part of a group or couple paves the way to meet  more new people than you otherwise would – making new friends along the way.

Make like a local

Wherever your travel takes you, be curious about local customs, food and culture. Not only will you experience and learn new things, you’re demonstrating an interest and respect of local customs that the locals themselves will approve of.

Trying to master a few words of a new language will go down well and is a great icebreaker between people of different cultures – mispronunciations often induce that universal language of laughter. And local knowledge also means you’ll find out the best places to eat, drink and party. Every reason to step off that well-beaten tourist path.

Stretch your boundaries

Food is a great way to step out of your comfort zone, so try something new from the menu. Fear and western perceptions of food prevent many people from trying local dishes, but as someone who variously tried snake, crocodile and zebra, I would utterly recommend it.

Count the stars

Sometimes, being prepared to forgo some create comforts opens the way to new opportunity. If you’re prepared to opt for lower-grade accommodation rather than the 4- or 5-star luxury you’d usually choose, you’ll not just increase the options available, you’l also appreciate the hot rainfall showers, fluffy towels and WiFi when you get back home.

Embrace the opportunity to expand your horizons and step out of your comfort zone. You never know what you can do until you try it – amaze yourself.

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