When people think of extensive travel, most of the time they think that you have to do activities that are expensive in order to enjoy an adventurous experience. This is especially true in Australia where the cost to travel can be twice or three times the cost of travelling in neighbouring countries like Indonesia or Fiji. But if you are willing to jump on a bike, you can experience the numourous biking and cycling trails that’s on offer in South East Queensland.

The local government has created over 50km of cycling trails that can take you from the northern outskirts of Brisbane city and through the city. If you have a vehicle, you can attach your bike and venture along the cycling trails in the Sunshine Coast region or the Gold Coast.

If you are happy to consider an off-road experience, you can opt for cycling trails that will take you along through the forests and via the Hinterland.

Below are a few of our recommended cycling experiences.

Brisbane Biking trails

10 Great bike rides in Brisbane


Best mountain bike trails in Brisbane

Moreton Bay Cycleway

Sunshine Coast Mountain Bike Tracks

Queensland mountain bike tracks

Recommended resources.

There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are planning a cycling adventure.

Opt for free/inexpensive bike hire.

The Brisbane City Council offerscity bikes, which can be used for free for the first 30 minutes of a journey. However, you will need to subscribe to either a daily or monthly casual pass.

You can click here to read more information on their website. 

Commuting to the trails.

It would be ideal if you have a van or a ute to take your bikes to the different locations. If you need to rent a vehicle, you can compare options with Car Rental Buddy.

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